The Greater Des Moines Partnership’s Directory includes contact information and maps for all Regional Chamber Members in Greater Des Moines (DSM) — more than 6,500 local businesses! To search by business category, select the links below the search bar. To search by business name, select “0–9” for business names that begin with a number or “A–Z” for businesses listed in alphabetical order.
Additionally, The Partnership relies on Investors to support its mission as the economic and community development organization serving Greater Des Moines (DSM).
For more information about The Partnership, its Investors, Affiliate Chambers of Commerce and Chamber Members, visit the following pages:
2175 N. Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50023
- Map
- (515) 446-9701
6340 Stagecoach Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50266
- Map
- (515) 585-6001
1631 NE 55th Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50313
- Map
- (515) 650-8079
102 & 807 Center Ave. South
Mitchellville, IA 50169
- Map
- (515) 957-8140
225 NW Autumn Crest Dr.
Ankeny, IA 50023
- Map
- (515) 963-9000
203 6th Ave
Grinnell, IA 50112
- Map
- (641) 990-6439
1306 Prairie Dr SW
Bondurant, IA 50035
- Map
- (515) 957-0778
7501 Hickman Rd., Ste. 310
Urbandale, IA 50322
- Map
- (563) 538-1190
4353 Merle Hay Rd.
Des Moines, IA 50310
- Map
- (515) 276-9817
150 W. Wright Rd
Norwalk, IA 50211
- Map
- (515) 981-0044
1503 S Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50021
- Map
- (515) 218-6308
6220 Village View Drive
West Des Moines, IA 50266
- Map
- (515) 207-8067
200 SE 37th St. Suite 280
Grimes, IA 50111
- Map
- (515) 452-0220
200 SE 37th St. Suite 280
Grimes, IA 50111
- Map
- (402) 320-9140