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The Greater Des Moines Partnership’s Directory includes contact information and maps for all Regional Chamber Members in Greater Des Moines (DSM) — more than 6,500 local businesses! To search by business category, select the links below the search bar. To search by business name, select “0–9” for business names that begin with a number or “A–Z” for businesses listed in alphabetical order.

Additionally, The Partnership relies on Investors to support its mission as the economic and community development organization serving Greater Des Moines (DSM). 

For more information about The Partnership, its Investors, Affiliate Chambers of Commerce and Chamber Members, visit the following pages: 

Fidelity Bank

  • Finance/Banks
  • Finance/Mortgage
177 S. Jordan Creek Pkwy.
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 250-1613
(515) 221-3311 (fax)
Drive-up Hours
Mon - Fri 8AM – 5PM
Sat 9AM – 12PM

Lobby Hours
Mon - Fri 9AM – 5PM
Sat 9AM – 12P
  • About

    Local Leadership. Local Focus.
    For nearly a century, Fidelity Bank has been building relationships and serving our customers. From the start in Cambridge, Iowa, the focus of Fidelity Bank was on helping local people and their businesses succeed. As we grew to include a location in Huxley, Iowa and West Des Moines, Iowa, our attention continued to be on supporting our customers and communities.

    Fidelity Bank remains committed to providing our customers with the services they need to be successful. Even as our communities have grown and changed, we recognize our customers' financial goals are changing, too. People turn to Fidelity Bank when they need banking support to reach a significant milestone in their life—like buying a home, saving, or starting a business venture.

    We believe local decision-making is what leads to greater success for our clients and our communities. That’s why our team of experts work alongside our customers to provide real answers in real time. Our customers don’t want to be bounced around from person-to-person in order to get the information they need. We hate getting the runaround, too. Banking should be easy. Our mission is to present information that is clear, fast and easy to understand. You can count on Fidelity Bank to care?it’s why we keep our focus on the future, enhancing our services and offerings to support our customers and our communities.