The Greater Des Moines Partnership’s Directory includes contact information and maps for all Regional Chamber Members in Greater Des Moines (DSM) — more than 6,500 local businesses! To search by business category, select the links below the search bar. To search by business name, select “0–9” for business names that begin with a number or “A–Z” for businesses listed in alphabetical order.
Additionally, The Partnership relies on Investors to support its mission as the economic and community development organization serving Greater Des Moines (DSM).
For more information about The Partnership, its Investors, Affiliate Chambers of Commerce and Chamber Members, visit the following pages:
Cyd's Catering
- Food-Beverage/Catering
- Woman Owned
Chef Cyd Koehn's award winning catering business is a reflection of her personal belief that ''whenever people gather around a table, the food should be joyful, nourishing, and eventful.''
Chef Cyd took the entrepreneurial step into private business ownership in 2011 following her employment as an Assistant Club Manager at the Des Moines Golf and Country Club and then as Executive Sous Chef at the Hy-Vee Corporate Offices. She is a strong voice for local food and is a visible spokesperson for Maytag cheeses. Chef Cyd strives to maintain simplicity for clients and guests with a hassle-free and aesthetic approach. -