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The Iowa Tech Industry Virtual Luncheon

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Name: The Iowa Tech Industry Virtual Luncheon
Date: July 9, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:

Every Iowa company is a technology company -- that's the motto of the Technology Association of Iowa. Innovation and advancement are happening more rapidly than ever, and right here in Iowa. Hear about these technology advancements and about the Iowan Project from Brian Waller, President of the Technology Association of Iowa. 

Virtual. Attendees will be sent information 24 hours before the event.
Date/Time Information:
Registration will close 30 minutes before the event. If you would like the information after that time, please email baillee@wdmchamber.org directly.
Contact Information:
Baillee Furst
Are you a Chamber member but don’t have a user ID or password for yourself yet? Click here.
Cancellation deadline is Tuesday, July 7th at 5 PM. Registrations completed after this time will incur a $5 increase.