The 14 Things Revealed From Your DISC Analysis

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Name: The 14 Things Revealed From Your DISC Analysis
Date: May 3, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
Event Description:
Many have heard of the DISC analysis and even completed one.  Did you know your results can change over time?  Did anyone ever go over the results in depth to explore what those results meant for you?  

This session includes a new DISC analysis, which participants will take in advance of the class.  Each participant will learn:
  • The 14 things the D.I.S.C. is telling you and employees about themselves. 
  • What does D.I.S.C. mean, the basics
  • Will tell you how to identify behaviors in you and employees. 
  • What the Energy line means on the D.I.S.C. 
  • The 8 bars. How to use them for your benefit. 
  • What the stressors and where they are coming from from a D.I.S.C. page
  • Are you in the type of work your D.I.S.C. is revealing. 
  • Has your personality changed since the last time you took a D.I.S.C.? 
  • 9You will learn how to help your team work together better.  

We invite you to join us during this important lunch and learn event!
Urbandale Chamber of Commerce
Aisha R. Syed Board Room
REALTOR | Iowa Realty
2830 100th St., Ste. 110
Urbandale, IA 50322
Contact Information:
$39 per person
Includes the class, a DISC Assessment (Regular Price $50), & lunch from Hungry Boyz

Registrations need to be made by April 28th to have time to take the assessment in advance of the session.

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Des Moines Partnership for more information.
700 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309 – (515) 286-4950 –