Terrace Hill Tea & Talk/Michael Egel, Des Moines Metro Opera
Terrace Hill Tea & Talk/Michael Egel, Des Moines Metro Opera
February 5, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM CST
Event Description:
The Terrace Hill Partnership is proud to present distinguished speakers who will bring timely programs to Terrace Hill’s Drawing Room at 2:00 p.m. each Saturday in February, followed by tea and tasty treats. Tickets are $10 per program or $35 for a season pass. The speakers are donating their time and all proceeds will benefit the Terrace Hill gardens. February 5 Michael Egel, Des Moines Metro Opera Michael will discuss the Des Moines Metro Opera's 50th anniversary and its new performance initiative designed to engage new audiences, promote collaborations, and focus on contemporary subject matter.