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Ribbon cutting event for The Reserve

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Name: Ribbon cutting event for The Reserve
Date: August 3, 2017
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Join us to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of The Reserve on Thursday, August 3rd from 3-5 pm.  Ribbon cutting will take place at 3:15 pm and they are located at 2727 82nd Place in Urbandale.  Refreshments, live music and door prizes will be given away as well as a live broadcast from Van and Bonnie!  Hope to see you there!
2727 82nd Place in Urbandale
Date/Time Information:
 Thursday, August 3rd from 3-5 pm
Contact Information:
Jeana Schultz
Free to attend and no RSVP is needed.