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Ribbon Cutting - Bunker Labs DSM

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Name: Ribbon Cutting - Bunker Labs DSM
Date: July 7, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:

Bunker Labs, a national non-profit headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, will celebrate the official opening of the Des Moines, IA chapter with its first ever virtual launch party. Bunker Labs seeks to inspire the military-connected community to start their own business, then equips them with right training and connects them to the right people to grow those businesses.

With the leadership of Des Moines City Leaders, Bernie Stone and Adam Hass, we are very excited to become a part of the Des Moines community. 

This event is for you if...
1. You're interested in meeting more like-minded, action-oriented entrepreneurs in a fun, casual setting.
2. You’re interested in getting involved in the local entrepreneur community.
3. You'd like to learn more about companies being created by veterans in our community.

Registered attendees will receive a confirmation email with a link to the virtual Zoom room.

*This event will be recorded. Participation in the meeting indicates your consent to being included in the meeting recording.

RSVP here: https://chapters.bunkerlabs.org/events/details/bunker-labs-des-moines-presents-bunker-labs-des-moines-chapter-launch/#/

Virtual event. Zoom link will be shared upon receipt of RSVP.
Contact Information: