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Raise the Bar: Improve Performance through Feedback and Coaching

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Name: Raise the Bar: Improve Performance through Feedback and Coaching
Date: November 6, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Event Description:
One of the most important responsibilities of managers and supervisors is to provide employees frequent, straightforward, and timely feedback and coaching for a clear understanding of how performance is viewed and any improvements needed. Unfortunately, many managers provide little feedback and coaching, or do so only during formal performance reviews. In this session, participants learn how both are used ongoing to reinforce good performance and to redirect poor performance. A simple model, based on the best-selling video, “The Practical Coach,” is presented for participants to practice feedback and coaching skills, and to plan how to apply the approach to a real work situation. After this session, participants will: • Recognize the difference between feedback and coaching and the value of each • Demonstrate feedback and coaching techniques to reinforce good performance and redirect poor performance • Recognize pitfalls in feedback and coaching and ways to avoid or manage them • Prepare to give feedback and coaching for an actual work situation
ATW Training Solutions
4414 114th Street
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
Date/Time Information:
November 6th: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Contact Information:
515-727-0731 www.atwtraining.com contactatw@atwtraining.com
$295 per person