Make It OK: Week 2 - To Be Human in a Pandemic: Understanding, Honoring, and Navigating Emotions
Make It OK: Week 2 - To Be Human in a Pandemic: Understanding, Honoring, and Navigating Emotions
August 27, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
Register Now
Event Description:
The Make It OK campaign in Iowa, led by the Healthiest State Initiative is hosting a six-week virtual mental health series, in tandem with the Greater Des Moines Partnership and Capital Crossroads, titled “6 Weeks of Make It OK.”
Join Sarah Noll Wilson for a motivational session that will inspire us all with ways we can ‘Make It OK’ during COVID and beyond. Learning objectives include:
- Examine the impact of our current environment on overall mental health
- Explore strategies to build emotional resilience in self and others
- Identify practices to be emotionally supportive vs. emotionally dismissive
Sarah will present for just over an hour, then we’ll have about 20 minutes for open Q&A and discussion. This session is free to attend. Register at the link!
August 27: Week 2: Motivational speaker who talks about experience with health/well-being/wellness (1.5 hour session)
August 27: Week 2: Motivational speaker who talks about experience with health/well-being/wellness (1.5 hour session)
- Sarah Noll Wilson & a colleague
- Meg Schneider (moderator)
About Make It OK: Make It OK is national campaign to reduce stigma by starting conversations and increasing understanding about mental illness. The campaign was created and launched by HealthPartners in Minnesota in 2012 before being introduced to Iowa in May 2019. Since then, the Make It OK message already reached more than 2,000 Iowans through formal presentations and 165 Make It OK Ambassadors have been trained.
Led by Make It OK, this 6-week series is supported by Capital Crossroads, the Greater Des Moines Partnership, Mid-Iowa Health, and the Business Record.