genYP Branding Yourself as a Professional Series, Presented by Two Rivers Bank & Trust
Join us for an in-depth workshop on Communication, targeted specifically for young professionals.
Clear communication is a key to success, but just because you feel your communication is clear, doesn't’t mean others agree. Research shows that each of us has a dominant pattern of behavior that dictates our communication styles and the communication styles of others. Understanding communication styles allows us to achieve more by communicating more effectively with others; meeting the needs of their communication style. When communication style needs are being met, results are achieved with greater efficiency and relationships are stronger.
Key Take Aways:
Participants will:
Define what good communication means to them.
Reflect on personal communication preferences.
Better understand their dominant pattern of behavior and communication style.
Consider the communication styles of people they work with.
Create a plan for better communication with those they work with.
Cost: $25/workshop
All workshops will take place from 7:30-9:30 am in the RODAN Board Room at the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce (2830 100th Street, Ste 110, Urbandale).
Thank you to our genYP Investors:
Shade Tree Auto
Upper Iowa University