FuseHR Forum - Assessing Your Hiring And Retention Pain Points
Join FuseDSM and Dynamic Talent Consultants for the FuseHR Forum, a program that gives human resource professionals an opportunity to learn on a variety of topics regarding human resources while also discussing best practices and networking with their peers.
The forum will meet every other month and the topic of discussion each month will be presented by Danielle Rusch, Senior HR Consultant and Owner of Dynamic Talent Consultants.
The purpose of this series is to provide a platform for HR Professionals at any stage of their career as well as business owners without an HR Team the resources and opportunity to benchmark and network with one another on trending HR issues.
Every company has pain points; some that may be acute and go away and some that you could consider chronic. Hiring and retention is a common chronic company condition that is often overlooked and undiagnosed in the workplace. When left unchecked, it can cause serious short and long-term company health complications such as unproductive behaviors, low productivity, poor culture fits, and turnover. Danielle Rusch will walk participants through the effects of good and bad hiring and retention practices while teaching leaders how to focus and apply healthy fundamentals to improve hiring, retention, and eventually, your bottom line.
Speaker Danielle Rusch will walk participants through the effects of good and bad hiring and retention practices while teaching leaders how to focus and apply healthy fundamentals to improve hiring, retention, and eventually, your bottom line.
Participants will have the opportunity to self-assess the health of their current hiring and retention efforts to then identify their specific pain points in the process to begin to make improvements in the health of their company.
Participants will walk away from this session with an understanding of their current situation and applicable tools to start shifting from chronic or acute hiring pain to healthy, competent hires and increased retention

Her training is focused on looking inward to better understand how we as individuals connect and find that spark to gain confidence and influence others around us. In this specific training, Danielle will walk participants through the science-based DISC analysis to find and harness confidence in a way unlike you’ve experienced before to truly own your style while also connecting and supporting others.
If you’re ready to optimize your working relationships and build an organization based on health and longevity, it’s time to connect with Danielle. https://www.dynamictalentconsultants.com/contact/