Feed Your Mind Lunch & Learn - "Cybersecurity Risk: How does it affect my business?"
Feed Your Mind Lunch & Learn - "Cybersecurity Risk: How does it affect my business?"
January 11, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Event Description:
The FuseDSM Feed Your Mind Lunch & Learn program are 60 minute presentations, monthly, on a variety of important and timely topics that provide the tools to successfully navigate your business.
Cybersecurity Risk: How does it affect my business?
This presentation will cover cybersecurity risk and its relevance to SMB owners. Specifically about the risks business owners face as they expand their businesses. Business owners are leveraging technology that is most often poorly secured and are exposing themselves to risk and loss of revenue as the business grows. Cybersecurity planning needs to be an integral part of any business plan if businesses intend to grow sustainably.

Aaron C. , COO
Aaron Caballero is the co-founder and COO of Closed Door Security. As a cybersecurity professional with 7 years experience, Aaron has worked with businesses of all sizes from a small consulting firm to leading a cybersecurity team for a Fortune 500. Closed Door Security was founded to address the cybersecurity needs of all businesses in the area, especially SMBs, which are typically underserved. Closed Door hopes to become a resource for the community and looks forward to partnering with local businesses to help them grow sustainably.
This presentation will cover cybersecurity risk and its relevance to SMB owners. Specifically about the risks business owners face as they expand their businesses. Business owners are leveraging technology that is most often poorly secured and are exposing themselves to risk and loss of revenue as the business grows. Cybersecurity planning needs to be an integral part of any business plan if businesses intend to grow sustainably.
Aaron C. , COO
Aaron Caballero is the co-founder and COO of Closed Door Security. As a cybersecurity professional with 7 years experience, Aaron has worked with businesses of all sizes from a small consulting firm to leading a cybersecurity team for a Fortune 500. Closed Door Security was founded to address the cybersecurity needs of all businesses in the area, especially SMBs, which are typically underserved. Closed Door hopes to become a resource for the community and looks forward to partnering with local businesses to help them grow sustainably.