Entrepreneur Field Days: VizyPay, Bootstrapping Pays Off At Scale

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Name: Entrepreneur Field Days: VizyPay, Bootstrapping Pays Off At Scale
Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Join the Greater Des Moines Partnership for the first-ever Entrepreneur Field Days series hosted across Greater Des Moines (DSM). Drawing on Iowa?s rich agriculture heritage, field days have been taking place since the turn of the 20th century. Now, this event series will expand the lessons learned from farming into all forms of entrepreneurship, spotlighting the brilliant business minds in our communities ? both rural and urban, big and small ? and all visionary leaders building businesses in DSM.  


All are invited. The Entrepreneur Field Day series will create opportunities for peer-to-peer knowledge and skillsets to create resilient entrepreneurs and continue to build a strong small business and startup community in Central Iowa. Entrepreneurs learn best from entrepreneurs. All are invited to bring a spirit of curiosity, shared respect and a notepad or two to capture ideas and contacts. 

Bootstrapping Pays Off At Scale
Speakers: Frank Pagano, Managing Parter, and Jesse James, Director of Strategic Partnership at VizyPay [https://www.vizypay.com/]

VizyPay, headquartered in Waukee, is building a payments system created with small businesses in mind. Austin Mac Nab, CEO and founder, and Frank Pagano, managing partner, launched the company in 2017 with the goal of disrupting the status quo of the payments space to help rural small businesses level up their operations and save money on processing fees. VizyPay holds a three-time Inc. 5000 honoree, ranking in the fastest growing privately owned companies in America. 

Appetizers and beverages will be provided. 

Learn & Discuss:
  • How to bootstrap a scaling technology company
  • Company culture and creating a top workforce community 
  • Building a national marketing campaign to reach your customers
  • Understanding payments and point-of-sale operations
Check out the full series and the next Entrepreneur Field Day here! 
Download the Field Day Guide!  [https://www.dsmpartnership.com/growing-business-here/entrepreneurship/entrepreneur-field-days]
2565 SE Encompass Dr.
Suite #210
Waukee, IA 50263
Date/Time Information:
4-6:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Free, registration is required

Printed courtesy of www.dsmpartnership.com – Contact the Greater Des Moines Partnership for more information.
700 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309 – (515) 286-4950 – info@dsmpartnership.com