Ankeny Chamber RC for Designed 2 Move Chiropractic
Ankeny Chamber RC for Designed 2 Move Chiropractic
July 30, 2020
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Ribbon Cutting with social distancing:
Ribbon Cutting event. Follow it on Facebook live!
Ankeny Area Chamber Ribbon Cutting Protocols for COVID-19
Attendee/Participant Requirements During Ribbon Cutting:
12pm Ribbon Cuttings - Requirements from approximately 11:55am- 12:25pm
4:30pm Ribbon Cuttings - Requirements from approximately 4:25pm-4:55pm
1. Attendees are required to put on a face mask prior to entrance
2. Chamber staff will provide facemasks for those that do not have one
3. Social distancing of 6 ft. will need to be practiced
4. Handshake-free event
5. Chamber staff will provide hand sanitizer as requested